Stroke Recovery
Let’s get you confident in how you move in your body!
Work with me In-Person or Virtually on Zoom
Not able to control the way your body moves? Having problems making the mind/muscle connection?
These are all things we are faced with after having a stroke. There is no window of you only have this much Time for the body to recover after having a stroke. That window is always open as long as you are diligent on Moving the body, so the mind and body can start making a new connection.
Let me assist you with reprogramming those neurotransmitters. I will help you with your core strength, balance and Functional movement. By letting me assist you with your recovery, your body will move more like normal and your quality of life in your Everyday activities will improve greatly.
In person and virtual sessions available via Zoom
30 minute or 45 minute sessions
In Person
30 minute session $60.00
45 minute session $85.00
Online via Zoom
30 minute sessions: $45.00
45 minute sessions: $70.00
Each session includes warm-up, range of motion work, core work, proper functional movement practice, stimulation to effected area with gentle massage, and cool down.